After a successful run of three seasons, NBC has decided to cancel “Young Rock,” the semi-biographical series starring Dwayne Johnson. Unfortunately, there will not be a fourth season for the show, which follows Johnson’s career journey from wrestler to actor. This announcement comes as another disappointment for Johnson, as prospects for a Black Adam sequel were dashed with James Gunn and Peter Safran assuming leadership roles at DC Studios.
When “Young Rock” premiered, it was a resounding success for the network, drawing many viewers. However, its viewership declined after Season 3 concluded in late 2022.
According to information from Deadline, Nielsen data indicated that Season 3 garnered only 1.4 million viewers, a significant drop compared to 3 million viewers for Season 1 and 2.23 million for Season 2. With an average of over 3 million viewers per episode and an impressive 0.62 demo rating, Season 1 of “Young Rock” stood out as the most-watched. Given this downward trend, the recent news isn’t particularly shocking.
Starring Dwayne Johnson, “Young Rock” delves into various chapters of Johnson’s life, ranging from his upbringing in a strong and resilient family to his encounters with the vibrant personalities in his professional wrestling family, and his time as a football player at the University of Miami. The series explores the thrilling rollercoaster that has shaped Dwayne into the person he is today and introduces the larger-than-life characters he has encountered along his journey.
Joseph Lee Anderson, Stacey Leilua, Ana Tuisila, Adrian Groulx, Bradley Constant, Uli Latukefu, Fasitua Amosa, John Tui, and Matthew Willig join Dwayne Johnson as the cast members of “Young Rock.”
The series was created by Nahnatchka Khan and Jeff Chiang and draws inspiration from Dwayne Johnson’s life. Nahnatchka Khan, Jeff Chiang, Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia, Jennifer Carreras, Hiram Garcia, and Brian Gewirtz serve as the Executive Producers.
“Young Rock” is a production of Universal Television, Seven Bucks Productions, and Fierce Baby Productions.
Source: Deadline