The focus of Jagged Mind revolves around Billie, who becomes involved with the enigmatic Alex. As their relationship unfolds, Billie is troubled by peculiar visions and periods of unaccounted time. Delving into the depths of these perplexing experiences, Billie eventually unravels the realization that she is trapped within an intricate network of recurring time loops. Here’s everything you need to know about how to watch Jagged Mind in the UK on Hulu.
Quick Steps: How to watch Jagged Mind in the UK on Hulu using a VPN
- Select a VPN service that is optimized for streaming. We recommend ExpressVPN.
- Download the VPN and connect to the US server.
- Log in to Hulu.
- Find Jagged Mind and stream it no matter where you are!
Why is Hulu not available in the UK?
Currently, Hulu is not accessible in the UK because it hasn’t been officially introduced there yet. The streaming service is provided by The Walt Disney Company, an American company, and is exclusively accessible within the USA. If you want to watch Hulu in the UK, you’ll need to use a VPN.
What is Jagged Mind based on?
Jagged Mind revolves around Billie as the central character. When she enters into a relationship with the enigmatic Alex, Billie experiences unsettling visions and unaccounted stretches of time. As Billie delves deeper into these puzzling phenomena, she realizes that she is trapped in an intricate network of repeating time sequences.
Hulu’s Jagged Mind release date
Jagged Mind is set to debut on Hulu on Thursday, June 15, 2023. This captivating psychological thriller will be accessible for streaming at precisely 12:01 a.m. ET.
Jagged Mind trailer
What’s the cast of Jagged Mind?
Take a look at the amazing cast of Jagged Mind.
- Maisie Richardson-Sellers as Billy
- Shannon Woodward as Alex
- Kate Szekely as Kim
- Rosaline Elbay as Christine
- Jimmy Jean-Louis as Papa Juste
- Brandi Huzzie as Denise
- Lamar Usher as Server
Where to watch Jagged Mind in the UK?
If you want to watch Jagged Mind in the UK, you’ll need to use a VPN because the movie is exclusively available on Hulu in the USA.
What TV channel is Jagged Mind on?
Jagged Mind is exclusive to Hulu and will not be available on TV.
Jagged Mind reviews — what the critics are saying
In a review by CBR, it is noted that in Jagged Mind, the central character Billy, portrayed by Maisie Richardson-Sellers from Legends of Tomorrow, takes a significant amount of time to uncover the hidden malevolent intentions of her new girlfriend, Alex, played by Shannon Woodward from Westworld. However, the audience becomes aware of Alex’s true nature much earlier. Interestingly, the film’s opening disclaimer, which addresses the portrayal of intimate partner violence, unintentionally acts as a spoiler, heightening the menacing nature of Alex’s initial appearance, surpassing the generally foreboding tone established throughout the movie. This direct and explicit storytelling approach, as observed by CBR, prevents Jagged Mind from reaching its full potential as a truly terrifying and emotionally impactful experience. Nevertheless, the review acknowledges that the film does offer compelling and sporadic moments of strength.
How long is Jagged Mind?
Jagged Mind has a runtime of 1 hour and 28 minutes.
What is Jagged Mind rated?
The Jagged Mind has an R rating.
What are the Fan Reactions to Jagged Mind?
Oop! Y'all see this?
— Hue Watched It (@huewatchedit) June 6, 2023
She'll do anything to keep you.
Maisie Richardson-Sellers and Shannon Woodward star in Jagged Mind, a queer psychological thriller directed by Kelley Kali.#JaggedMindOnHulu premieres June
O filme de terror ‘JAGGED MIND’ acabou de estrear na @hulu.
— lesbocine (@lesbocine) June 15, 2023
Where else can I watch Jagged Mind online?
Jagged Mind is exclusively available on Hulu.
What else can I watch on Hulu?
- The Full Monty
- The Wonder Years
- Mary J. Blige’s Real Love
Is Jagged Mind available on Netflix?
The movie is not available on Netflix.
What time is Jagged Mind air on Hulu?
Jagged Mind will air at 12:01 a.m. on Hulu.
The best VPN for streaming Jagged Mind in the UK on Hulu
For watching Jagged Mind in the UK on Hulu, ExpressVPN is an outstanding choice. It boasts impressive speeds and a vast network of over 3,000 servers in 160+ locations, including the US.
Setting up ExpressVPN is a breeze thanks to its Smart Location feature, which quickly identifies the optimal server for streaming on Hulu. With just a simple click, you’ll be connected and enjoy lightning-fast speeds, unlimited bandwidth, and uninterrupted streaming.
ExpressVPN places a strong emphasis on security, using military-grade encryption, an automatic kill switch, and a strict no-logs policy. Your privacy is safeguarded with DNS leak protection, ensuring secure online activities.
Furthermore, ExpressVPN offers a risk-free experience with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Subscribing to their service also allows you to take advantage of available discounts, allowing you to stream Jagged Mind with confidence, knowing that speed and security are of utmost importance.
With NordVPN, you can enjoy seamless streaming of Jagged Mind in the UK on Hulu, thanks to their superfast speeds. Consistently exceeding 47 Mbps, you can watch the series in HD quality without any annoying lag or buffering interruptions.
NordVPN’s extensive server network ensures you can easily unblock streaming content from anywhere. I personally tested their servers in the US and can confirm their ability to effortlessly bypass geo-blocks. Setting up NordVPN on my LG SmartTV was a breeze, guaranteeing hassle-free access to Hulu.
While NordVPN’s pricing may be slightly higher, they frequently offer a generous 49% discount, making their reliable service and enhanced streaming capabilities more affordable for users.
You can try NordVPN risk-free with their 30-day money-back guarantee. I personally experienced their efficient refund process and received my money back within five days after a quick and helpful online support interaction. NordVPN genuinely values customer satisfaction.