Longing For You is an enthralling drama series that follows the gripping tale of a determined detective seeking revenge for his younger brother in the tranquil countryside. Led by a talented cast, including Na In Woo and Kwon Yool, this revenge-driven drama offers an unforgettable viewing experience that delves into the complexities of justice and personal vendettas. Here’s how to watch Longing for You online on ENA in the UK, US, Australia, Canada, NZ, North America, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe for free using a VPN.
How to watch Longing for You online on ENA for free via VPN [Quick Steps]
- Select a VPN service that is optimized for streaming. We recommend ExpressVPN
- Download the VPN and connect to the South Korean server.
- Log in to ENA.
- Find Longing for You and stream it no matter where you are!
When is Longing for You on?
Longing For You is set to premiere on ENA on Wednesday, July 26th, around 9:00 PM (KST).
What is Longing for You about?
In this brand-new TV drama, Detective Oh, portrayed by Na, takes center stage as the central character. He becomes a vital member of a special investigative team assigned to solve a rural murder case. Alongside unraveling the mystery, Detective Oh is driven by a personal quest for justice to avenge his younger brother’s enigmatic death. The show offers a captivating blend of personal vengeance and crime-solving, promising an intriguing and enthralling storyline.
Longing for You trailer
Here’s a trailer for Longing For You, a thrilling mystery chase drama centered around Detective Oh as he navigates the countryside to unravel a compelling mystery.
Longing for You cast
In Longing For You, the series beautifully brings to life the gripping tale of a determined detective seeking revenge for his younger brother.
From the determined and vengeful Detective Oh to the compelling portrayals of each character, the cast’s dedication and chemistry add depth and emotion to this countryside revenge drama, making it an enthralling and unforgettable viewing experience. Here are the cast members:
- Na In Woo as Oh Jin-Sung
- Kim Ji Eun as Go Young-Joo
- Kwon Yool as Cha Young-Woon
- Bae Jong Ok as Yoo Jung-Sook
- Lee Gyu Han as Park Ki-Young
- Jung Sang Hoon as Bae Min-Kyu
- Jang Hye Jin as Hong Young-Hee
- Kim Hee Jung as Pi Jang-Mi
- Choi Kwang Il as Cha Jin-Cheol
- Kim Cheol Ki as Jung Woo-No
- Kim Hyung Mook as Doctor Choo
- Park Hyun Suk as Baek Mi-Ja
- Ren as Oh Jin-Woo
- Jung Ga Hee as Yang Hee-Joo
Longing for You Episode Guide
Longing For You season 1 is set to comprise 14 episodes, with a release schedule of two episodes per week. The revenge drama has generated significant buzz, owing to its stellar cast, including the talented Na In Woo and Kwon Yool, both taking on prominent lead roles. Here’s an Episode Schedule below:
- Episode 1 – July 26, 2023
- Episode 2 – July 27, 2023
- Episode 3 – August 2, 2023
- Episode 4 – August 3, 2023
- Episode 5 – August 9, 2023
- Episode 6 – August 10, 2023
- Episode 7 – August 16, 2023
- Episode 8 – August 17, 2023
- Episode 9 – August 23, 2023
- Episode 10 – August 24, 2023
- Episode 11 – August 30, 2023
- Episode 12 – August 31, 2023
- Episode 13 – September 6, 2023
- Episode 14 – September 7, 2023
Where to watch Longing for You in the UK, US, Australia, Canada, NZ, North America, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe for free?
Longing For You, the crime detective show is currently accessible to viewers in South Korea through ENA. However, to watch this intriguing series in regions like the UK, US, Australia, Canada, NZ, North America, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe, a VPN is required. By connecting to a South Korean server, the VPN enables bypassing geo-restrictions, granting access to ENA’s content to viewers outside of South Korea.
What is Longing for You’s IMDb rating?
The IMDb rating for Longing for You is currently unavailable, leaving viewers curious about the show’s reception and popularity.
What are the reactions and comments about Longing for You?
According to the critics, Longing for You presents a gripping tale of revenge and mystery, skillfully woven into a crime detective narrative. The show’s captivating storyline, combined with a stellar cast led by Na In Woo and Kwon Yool, keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. The cinematography and direction are praiseworthy, creating an immersive experience that brings the characters and their emotions to life. While the absence of an IMDb rating leaves room for speculation, critics have lauded the series for its intriguing plot and commendable performances, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre.
— jojo • Jinxed At First 🔮 (@Lanternjack15) July 25, 2023
Longing for You predictions
In Longing For You, the viewers can anticipate a gripping revenge-themed K-drama that will keep them at the edge of their seats. Detective Oh Jin Seong’s character promises to lead us on a thrilling journey as an exuberant detective from the peaceful town of Woojin. However, with a murder taking place and his brother Jin Woo becoming a suspect, the story takes a dark turn.
As Detective Oh Jin Seong seeks to clear his brother’s name, the subsequent murder of Jin Woo sets him on a quest for vengeance, leading him to unravel some unsettling truths about his own family. With this intriguing premise, the show is poised to deliver a roller-coaster of emotions and unexpected twists, leaving the audience eager for every episode.
What else can I watch on ENA?
- Not Others
- Evilive
- True to Love
- Extraordinary Attorney Woo
- Battle for Happiness
Is Longing for You available on Netflix?
No, the movie is not available on Netflix.
Is Longing for You worth watching?
If you enjoy crime series with a revenge-driven plot, compelling characters, and captivating performances, then Longing For You might be worth checking out.
The best VPN for streaming Longing for You Online on ENA in the UK, US, Australia, Canada, NZ, North America, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe
If speed is your top priority for a VPN, look no further than ExpressVPN, as it lives up to its reputation as the fastest VPN in the market, ensuring you can enjoy Longing For You online on ENA in the UK, US, Australia, Canada, NZ, North America, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe record time. This reliable VPN consistently bypasses ENA’s geo-restrictions and boasts an impressive network of over 3,000 servers worldwide, including 6 locations in South Korea.
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