ABC’s crime drama, The Rookie, has been renewed for a sixth season and is expected to reach its 100th episode milestone, as announced by the network on Monday. The show follows the story of John Nolan (Nathan Fillion), the oldest rookie in the LAPD, as he uses his life experience, determination, and humor to keep up with younger rookies.
As Nolan nears the end of his training, he faces his biggest challenge yet as a police officer, grappling with the choices he has made in his pursuit of the truth. The cast also includes Alyssa Diaz, Richard T. Jones, Melissa O’Neil, Eric Winter, and Jenna Dewan. In the upcoming episode airing on April 18, Officer Tim Bradford’s ex-wife, Isabel, returns and seeks the team’s help in saving someone from her undercover past, putting additional pressure on Lucy and Tim’s relationship as they assist her in the search.
The Season 5 finale of “The Rookie” is set to air on Tuesday, May 2.
Variety’s request for comment on the fate of The Rookie: Feds remains unanswered by ABC.
ABC has highlighted “The Rookie” as the top show among Adults 18-49 in its Tuesday night programming block at 8 p.m. this season. Since transitioning in January, the series has seen a significant increase of 40% in Total Viewers and 17% in the key 18-49 demographic compared to the previous season’s comparable weeks. Furthermore, the drama has grown almost sixfold in its initial Live+Same Day rating among Adults 18-49 with a remarkable lift of 426% after 35 days of multiplatform viewing. This means that the series currently outperforms its prior season by 6% in Total Viewers and 9% among Adults 18-49 after accounting for delayed multiplatform viewing.
The Rookie is produced by Entertainment One (eOne) in connection with ABC Signature, serving as the lead studio and international distributor of the show.